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Whatever you need, we make sure you're fully equipped

EIVA is an engineering company with more than 45 years’ experience in the offshore and shallow water construction and survey industries.

We provide software, equipment, integrated system solutions, rental services, 24/7 support and software training to a wide range of customer segments, covering virtually any subsea task.

Were you not able to find what you were looking for? Please feel free to reach out.

EIVA LIVE - Dive into EIVA's software and hardware solutions for the maritime industry

Join us for demos and networking

At EIVA Demo Days Denmark, 20-21 September 2023, we will offer presentations on and demos of the latest news from the EIVA NaviSuite software world, EIVA's hardware portfolio and other equipment developed by some of the strongest players in the offshore and shallow water industry.

Upcoming courses

Our fixed courses, covering the standard applications of our software, are open to anyone who purchases a seat. You can pay for your seat by credit card in our webshop. Check out the schedule for our upcoming courses!

Navisuite trade in offer

NaviSuite trade-in offer

Would you like to upgrade your current software spread?

With the EIVA NaviSuite trade-in offer, you can get up to 85% off the price of the NaviSuite software product(s) that match(es) your current software setup by trading the latter for NaviSuite licences.

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NaviModel Viewer

Advanced visualisation software for survey data – free of charge

The free NaviModel Viewer allows for visualisation of any type of laser or sonar XYZ data in an easy-to-use interface. Its features enable users to view and navigate data, change visualisation settings, and create fly-through videos of 3D models. 

  • Free of charge
  • No registration
  • No time limit
  • Share with customers and colleagues