NaviSuite Mobula is a plug-and-play ROV control and inspection software, streamlining inspections by allowing operators to plan and perform dives efficiently through automation and situational awareness. Capabilities include real-time, simultaneous data displays, assisted steering, automated inspection modes, observation logging, 3D visualisation and more – supporting you from mission planning to data delivery. The end-result is extensive deliverables with high-quality inspection data.
Free trial licence
EIVA offers all ROV operators who are new to the EIVA NaviSuite software world a 30-day free trial package of the NaviSuite Mobula software, no strings attached. This will allow you to evaluate the software and see its many features in action. All you need to invest is the time spent on exploring the software.
Moreover, to get you started with the software, we'll set up a workshop with an EIVA NaviSuite expert, who will ensure that you get the most out of your ROV dives while using NaviSuite Mobula.
Currently available as a plug-and-play solution for owners of Blue Robotics BlueROV2 and VideoRay Defender, NaviSuite Mobula can, with a little coding, support any ROV model.

Check out NaviSuite Mobula ROV software in action