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  • NaviSuite software
  • NaviSuite software

NaviSuite software

Product no :

    Daily and annual subscription licences

    The entire host of NaviSuite software solutions is available for rent in the sense that they can be bought for use over a given period, depending on your needs. 

    Thus, in addition to the possibility of purchasing NaviSuite products as a permanent licence, you can also acquire a subscription licence for any chosen number of days or years. All subscriptions include support and software updates, and can be prolonged.

    Learn about the difference licence types and volume discounts

    The range of NaviSuite products include


    EIVA LIVE - Dive into EIVA's software and hardware solutions for the maritime industry

    Want to attend free webinars?

    The ongoing EIVA LIVE webinar series keeps you up to date on our latest software and hardware developments – with the possibility to dive deeper and ask our experts questions. Past webinars have showcased solutions such as our autopilot and software for autonomous hydrographic surveys, as well as new automated ROV inspection modes. 

    Learn more