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Five years of free Academic Licences

21 February 2020

In 2015, EIVA began offering free NaviSuite software licences to help train the next generation of the maritime industry. The free Academic Licence programme was – and still is – available to students and teachers at universities, colleges, and any other institution that offers educational programs aimed toward hydrography, oceanography and ocean engineering.

A female student learning how to use NaviSuite software in the classroom with a computer

Learning the ropes of NaviSuite software in the classroom in preparation for life after graduation

A typical setup includes 10-20 student licences, and 1-2 teacher licences, but this is very much dependant on the educational institution and the size of the class and so on. In addition to the ‘normal’ use of the Academic Licence, we have provided the use of NaviSuite software to support PhD projects – for free.

We have also granted the use of NaviSuite software for non-profit survey operations based on a case by case basis. By supporting people and operations that wouldn’t necessarily have the resources for high-end software, we at EIVA feel that we are giving back to both the community and industry that have supported us for over 40 years.

An Academic Licence with benefits

An Academic Licence gives access to NaviSuite software for use in the classroom. It includes a free subscription to the EIVA eLearning site, so the teacher can learn how to use the software – including the long feature list. The eLearning modules range from entry-level to in-depth. In addition, the teacher also receives access to EIVA’s 24/7 support service.

NaviSuite eLearning modules covering DTM (Digital Terrain Modelling) and point cloud features

An eLearning module covering DTM (Digital Terrain Modelling) and point cloud features in NaviSuite

One of the benefits to the student is trying the software in the classroom that one day they might use on a ship, or in a position as a processing surveyor in their future employment. The Academic Licence allows for hands on relevant training and the practical application of theory. For the teachers, the academic licence is a way of enriching the course and deepening the student’s understanding of the subject.

Contributing to the creation of tomorrows workforce

5 years later and there are 90 active licence agreements, which translates to 90 institutions using NaviSuite software. This means up to 1,000 active individual licences in just this year alone. Teachers and students are benefiting all over the world from the Academic Licence programme.

A shipwreck modelled by NaviSuite software from a multi-beam survey

A multi-beam survey of the wrecks in the Scapa Flow assisted by NaviSuite software under an Academic Licence. Read more about the case.

'What's the catch?'

...is a question we often hear.

The licence is free as long as it’s for educational purposes. That’s it. Our intention is to help teachers and educational institutions produce an efficient and competent workforce for our customers, and as a consequence, develop the workforce for the future of our industry. That is payment enough.

If you feel the Academic Licence could benefit your educational programme, or you have any questions, then feel free contact us at EIVA.

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